Blue Ribbon School 2015-2016
(Dover Air Force Base, DE.) Dover Air Force Base Middle School has been recognized by U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. as a 2016 National Blue Ribbon School. DAFB Middle School is one among 279 public and 50 private schools receiving this honor.
“The success of the school is rooted in its excellent parental support and an unparalleled student work ethic that is synonymous with the U.S. Military.” said David Santore, Principal at DAFB Middle. “The outstanding teachers and staff work closely together to create an environment of constant academic improvement and meaningful personal growth for all children. This award is truly a product of a total team effort, and we are proud to be recognized.”
“I am extremely proud of the educational opportunities that the Caesar Rodney School District is able to provide the children of our military heroes who serve at Dover Air Force Base. This award exemplifies our commitment to our children and the teamwork found at Dover Air Force Base Middle School.” said Caesar Rodney School District Superintendent Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald. “I am also very proud that Caesar Rodney has had five ‘National Blue Ribbon’ schools in the last six years.” added Dr. Fitzgerald.
Since the National Blue Ribbon School program began 33 years ago, there have been five other Caesar Rodney School District schools chosen for this nationally prestigious honor: Caesar Rodney High School in 1984; Nellie Hughes Stokes Elementary School in 2011; Star Hill Elementary in 2012, Allen Frear Elementary in 2013 and W.B. Simpson Elementary in 2015.
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Award honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools where students achieve at very high levels or have made significant improvements in students' levels of achievement.
Schools are nominated for the award by the state department of education, and then complete a comprehensive application about school practices. Schools may apply for status as Exemplary High Performing—among the top schools in a state—or Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing—schools making the fastest progress in the their state in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups. Dover Air Force Base Middle School was chosen as a National Blue Ribbon School for meeting the criteria in the first category “Exemplary High Performing.”
Principal Santore and DAFB Middle 2016 Teacher of the Year Jennifer Torgerson will represent DAFB Middle in November at a two-day award ceremony in Washington, D.C., to celebrate the school’s hard-won achievements.